About the Statue, she belongs in a park, not in a subdivision. An edible landscaping, eco-village park surrounding it would be perfect. Please go to “Three Hundred year old Food Forrest in Vietnam”, on you-tube, to get an idea.
The statue is the Universal Mother, formerly the Statue of Motherhood. Some other names that people call it are The Golden Mother of Burke, and The Madonna of Southampton. She is meant to represent hope, and all that is good in motherhood. She was never intended to be a religious statue.
Hey, without motherhood, none of us would be here, and without hope, or lives would be a complete
Hope is the queen of the virtues, underlying all of the rest. It motivates and strengthens, paving the
way for all good things, not just the empty promises of the material life, but the fulfillment of a
spititual one
Though she is not the Virgin Mary per se, she does represent mothers love, and Mary of Nazareth is a shining example of that. Some black friends told me that she could be African American because of her lips. Then I saw a picture in a national Geographic of an Indian woman that looked like the statue. I had often wanted to make a multi-cultural sculptural face, and I believe that I have done so, at least unconsciously.
The clothing is a mix from many different cultures as well, and I am open to improving it in future models. The clothing in itself was quite a project. It took about a year to figure out how to do it, what colors to use, and to get the style right. Then it was learning to be a tailor for extra- large women. All in all, it was five years start to finish, in order to build the statue. In the beginning, it was the spontaneity of art work, I just wanted to do it. After a while, the huge amount of time and of money involved left me wanting to abandon the project. What kept me going was the sincere belief that if even one small child looked upon the statue and felt a glow of hope, then it was all worthwhile.
The statue is built like a railroad trestle, of interlocking wood girders. The form (like a giant mannequin), is made of small steel tubing, and wire mesh. The clothing is copper powder in silicone caulk, reinforced with fiberglass mesh. It is unique, durable, and will find many applications in industry and homes. I call it SMD, and it is more than likely original, although at this point in time it is probably un-patentable. This method will allow for sculptural improvisation in architecture..
This is some of my new work, involving brilliant colors. Please give me a call to see more.
I am looking for retail venues.
http://youtu.be/7pyKckYb9hE ... this is a youtube movie of my abstract paintings. The uploader is not working right now, so you will have to copy and paste it into a browser window.
I worked for five long years to bring people a vision of hope in a troubled world. I believe that I have succeeded.
For a good interview with me by an independent moviemaker, and some good footage of the statue, see http://www.jimbobmovies.com/the-golden-mother-short-documentary-watch-it-here/
See some of my other work in the sculpture video below, at alton1300 on utube, and at bigsculpture.com....I have worked as an artist/craftsman for 40 years now, in such a wide variety of creative areas that it takes me forever to go over it alll....
Thirty feet tall by eight feet wide, and 2200 pounds, this is affordable monumental art. For temporary or permanent display, the statue will fit right in to any number of public venues.I would prefer to see them in easily accessible parks.
At $120,000 to purchase, and $4,000 to $10,000 for delivery and installation in the continental United States, this is a very economical vision of hope. Temporary installations will run $2,000 to $10,000, on up, depending, of course, on distance, and duration..Lead time on delivery is running 90 days now( Nov. 1010), as these are all custom built by our craftsmen..
If you wish to buy one, or to inquire about a temporary show, just email me at meredith848@yahoo.com, or call at (703)764-9563.....
.........for the cost of the deposit on a similar statue, you can have a permanent, lightweight, sturdy statue. I guarantee them for most things except fire, or winds over 50 mph.......is some